Spiritual Beginnings

 In a world absent of lust and greed does the
soul of humanity bear fruit.
Within the soul of each of us is a presence of
pure love unequal by any
emotion. True freedom awaits, like a candle in
the darkness shinning it’s
light on the shadows.
 It is by faith that passion from God strengthens
and molds our future.
Release fear and doubt for they are seeds of
despair. Faith and love will
always triumph where fear exists. They who can
see and feel God in all know
true Peace.
 Through acceptance of myself, I can accept
others. By acceptance of the
universe and all within it, I have realized there
to be only one true
possession crucial to freedom. This is as it
always was and forever will be
the love within.
 As I visit a spiritual world, an inner peace,
which dwarves all physical
barriers, fills my previously sleeping soul.
Through these eyes, I look upon
the world. My vision reveals a natural order by
which the universe unfolds.
 Within the fabric of time and space, I see many
paths. Ad our paths meet
and cross, some say there are good and bad times.
These are merely
experiences that mold us into the people we are
to become. As we grow from
being products of our environments, so we become
citizens to the universe.
This is but one life in the framework of
 Growing into self awareness is a blessing beyond
the realms of all society.
The connection that evolves is one of such
simplicity that it is so often
overlooked. Knowledge of oneself is merely a
criteria though and not the
full spectrum of understanding. Faith in
combination with action reveals the
origin of God within us.
 Growing into the awareness I hold so sacred has
become a lifestyle and a
dream has thus unfolded. Though for many years I
feared this existence, I
have nevertheless realized a wonderful gift. It
is that this ability is
within all of us for we are all citizens of the
universe. It is merely the
edge of realization and then the connection will
suddenly become reality.
 However, the experiences that brought me to this
place, by perspective may
seem demonic in nature, nevertheless, I consider
them to be merely of divine
order I simple choose to call my spiritual path.
With a pure love in the
core of my being that rises majestically above
this physical world, I embark
upon a quest. To where I know not, but merely an
endeavor to share my
experiences and hope to any who seek it.
 From the materialistic chains of a hustler’s
life, trusting no one and
manipulating all who allowed it, I begun again.
From a spiritual awakening,
I began again.

Created by Alan Graham
The Wolfpack 1997
All rights reserved.