 From beyond the boundaries of time and space
comes an era of spiritual pursuit. Reality takes on a new meaning.
This is the age of oneness.
It all begins in the shadow of the late twentieth century.
From an small, poorly furnished room in a downtown Los Angeles hotel
infested with both human and animal vermin, a man sits quietly in a ragged
chair nest to a window reading a book about the end of innocence.
He lights up a cigarette and puts the
book down a moment to reflect the life, which he feels, has been thrust upon
him. Suddenly, a blinding light descends into the  room. Its source floats
effortless in the middle of the room. The man stands, sensing no danger, and
advances towards the source. A soft voice says,
“This is the aura of humanity”
as a piece separates and enters the man. He is suddenly overcome
with the feeling of a connection to every living thing in the universe. The
light grows even brighter but now it is not blinding the man. He begins to
feel the thoughts of everyone in the building. His heart grows painfully
empty as the hate and distrust of others fills his mind. The light says to
him, “Repent your shortcomings and the world will follow.”
Puzzled, the man
asks what his shortcomings are. “The negativity that tells you only of the
pessimistic side of life. It is within all of man to love all. Love is
eternal.” Live, love and accept the natural order of the universe for it is
within all of you.”
 “But how do I find this peace and serenity which I have never known?” “Your
search is within you, it is there you must seek the answer to this
question.” We are all part of a greater whole. It is within us that the
universe asks its own questions and receives its answer. We are but a small
part of the universe. Yet, we share a common bond so often overlooked. The
connection we share is of the soul. The love that grows from deep within
each persons soul burns so bright that only the enlightened person can even
attempt to see it clearly.
Enlightenment not Perfection. It is merely the pursuit thereof.
Within each person is the light of the universe. It is only
by acceptance of oneself that this light can fully embrace.
 Existence is a tool of ego to justify its own negativity. Reservation is
the voice of ego saying we deserve no better.
Resentment is the insanity of believing anger solves problems. Once we accept
the negativity of ourselves, the door of enrichment to the positive aspects of
each person magically are within reach. Ego is humankind's feeble attempt
to believe each is there own center of the universe. In actuality, we are
merely a very small part of it.
Everything and everyone is just as much a part of
the universe as we are.
 Suddenly the angelic presence burst into Scott’s chest and again he was
filled with the most profound sense of love and compassion he had ever
known. He leaped up and ran out the building heading for a church to spread
this wonderful experience to anyone who wanted to hear it. He came across a
priest, on his way to mass, and stopped him to try to talk with him but the
priest brushed him aside because he was late for mass. His spirit shaken, a
voice inside him said, “This is only the beginning my friend do not despair.
Within is the place of oneness you seek.”

Author: Alan Graham
All rights reserved.