Acceptance Unbounded

Every once in a while,
I sit very quietly
trying to imagine
the entire world
embodying the inner peace
I have grown to
feel so deeply within myself.
It is a world of such beauty:
absent of hate, prejudice and fear.
Every feeling is celebrated and enjoyed.
The chains of ego and
materialism have been smashed
into utter nonexistence.
To look upon every face
and feel a connection of souls
amid the confusion of our society
can only be described as love.
A love of such purity
it emanates from the soul and
sees past the physical presence.
I have been blessed to have such
an experience.
The words on this page,
at best, meagerly relate with the
remotest accuracy this blessed event
which has literally reshaped
my entire existence.
Through grace,
never before fully realized,
I found acceptance unbounded,
without retraint toward neither
color, culture nor identity.
I know to the core of my soul
there is only one
ultimate power in the universe,
it is love.

Alan Graham